.ics Method
For information on how to import/export .ics files to your preferred platform, please see the following articles:
To add a calendar invite to your email in Workshop you’ll need to follow these steps:
- First upload your calendar (.ics file) to your media library.
- Next, create a button or text that will link to the .ics file download
- Link the button/text to the file in using the "Link File" option on the right hand side
- Click "Insert" to link your desired .ics file
- Send a test email and verify that the linked button/text downloads the file
Here is a short video demonstration:
Using Teams Webinars with Registration Links
- Go to your TEAMS calendar.
- In the top right corner, to the right of the “+ New meeting” button, press the down arrow and navigate to Webinar.
- Enter basic info
- Click Save (above Basic info)
- Click Publish site (top right)
- Copy EVENT LINK (NOT the Join Meeting Now Link)!
- *NOTE: There are multiple places you can copy the link. Webinar Meeting Setup Page (after published), TEAMS Calendar (after published)
- You can now place this link in a Workshop email using the button element, or by linking it to text