How to send to an integrated application

After setting up an integrated application like Slack, Sharepoint, Texting, Teams, or Workvivo, the next step is to send to that application

  1. Create an email you wish to send with an integrated application
  2. Select the 'Settings' tab in the email editor
  3. Fill out the required fields
  4. Scroll down to the 'Additional notification channels' section
  5. Select your integrated app from the list
  6. Select the connected channel you wish the email to be published to
  7. Customize the notification that will appear in the channel you selected to provide information about the email you are sending
  8. Check the preview to see what the message will look like in your application!
  9. You are now ready to send. When you send the email, it will notify the selected channels that you have published an email with your custom message! 🎉