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How to connect Azure Active Directory to Workshop

Workshop's integration allows Active Directory customers to sync all users and distribution lists into Workshop, making sending to existing Active Directory users extremely easy.

Before you begin: This integration creates an Enterprise Application in Azure, which may require consent from a more privileged administrator, such as Global Administrator. We recommend working with your IT team to complete this step.

1. Log in to Workshop and navigate to the Apps page

2. Find and select the app titled Azure Active Directory Sync

3. Click the Azure ActiveDirectory card

4, Under Manage, click 'Add App'

6. Login with your Active Directory credentials to allow Workshop read-only access to AD

 MS Graph API calls used, all calls are read-only

CleanShot 2023-12-01 at 18-05-27@2x-png

Permissions requested

MS Graph permissions requested

7. Allow for up to 1 hour for all ActiveDirectory users to be synced over to Workshop and then that's it. You are all done! 🎉