Campaign archive neatly organizes all emails from a single campaign into one convenient web-based page that can be shared with one simple link.
Workshop's campaign archive allows you to house all emails within your campaign into one centralized location. By creating a campaign archive, you're able to share with them all relevant messages from that campaign into a convenient web-based page via one shareable link!
We find it most useful to create a campaign archives for emails that have longevity or need to be referenced regularly by employees. There are four primary types of internal campaigns you may want to try with campaign archives:
- Ongoing internal communications: employee newsletters, employee recognition and leadership updates
- Event-based campaigns: open enrollment, group off-sites or travel, or major company meetings
- Employee-focused messaging: new hire communications, promotion and team updates, IT/tech updates
- One-off communications: big company announcements, PR-related messages
Check out our comprehensive guide to internal communication campaigns!
Creating and managing campaign archives
To create an archive for a new campaign:
- Navigate to the CAMPAIGN tab in Workshop and select create campaign
- Select create campaign and enter details
- Toggle Create a campaign archive to On and select create campaign
To create an archive for an existing campaign:
- Navigate to the CAMPAIGN tab in Workshop and select the existing campaign
- From the Actions dropdown select Edit campaign details
- Toggle Enable campaign archive to On
- Review options to update if desired
- archive name
- description
- logo
- primary color
- Select Update campaign