Workshop's media library allows you to upload & manage the assets you want to send via your email or SMS communications.
To upload an asset to my media library
Navigate to Manage > Media Library within the top navigation bar
Within your Media Library, click on the New button in the top right and then select New Upload
On a new upload, you can select an individual or multiple assets to upload at once
To note, any new assets will appear at the top of your media library
Workshop does support various file types to be uploaded into your media library such as:
- Gifs (.gif)
- Images
- .bmp
- .jpeg
- .png
- .webp
- .tiff
- .heic
- .heif
- Files
- .zip
- .excel
- .json
- .msword
- .postscript
- .powerpoint
- .xml
- any audio / text / video file
Organization in my media library
At Workshop, we do recommend that you use folders to organize your media library assets. With folders, you can structure the media library by:
- Team, Department, Company
- A personal folder
- Per email or campaign
Your assets can be added to a folder at any time! You can also create a hierarchy structure to your folder system.
To add a folder, within your Media Library, click on the New button in the top right and then select New Folder
If you are within a folder and take this action, you will create a folder within a folder. Perfect for creating a hierarchy structure to your folders for example:
- Product
- Product Updates
- Individual folder for each monthly newsletter
- Product Updates
Just like you can add a folder at any time, you can move assets or folders to a folder at any time! You have the flexibility to move a singular asset/folder or multiple assets/folders at one time.
To move one asset to a folder, hover over your asset and a 3dot menu will appear. Click into the 3dot menu and you will see the option 'Move to folder'
Click on 'Move to folder' and a modal with all of your folders will present itself. Select which folder you want to move the asset to and click 'Move'.
To move multiple assets or folders, select the checkbox next to the various assets/folders and an action bar will appear at the bottom of your screen.
Click 'Move' and a modal with all of your folders will present itself. Select which folder you want to move the assets/folders to and click Move.
How can I interact with those assets throughout Workshop
Your assets within your media library can be added to your various channel communications - email & SMS!
Within Email, you can interact with your media library via the Image block. Upon adding an Image block, you'll have the ability to browse your media library to select an image / gif to add to your image block.
Within SMS, you can interact with your media library via the Image action when creating a mass or individual text message. Upon selecting the Image action, you'll have the ability to browse your media library to select an image / gif to add to your image block.
For more information about how to add images & gifs to your text message, please refer to: How can I add images and gifs to my text message
What will I have access to within my media library
Assets within your Media Library are accessible to everyone within your Workshop team.
If there are assets within your media library that should be kept separate from general access, we recommend leveraging our folder structure to create designated spaces for those assets. This approach ensures better organization and keeps sensitive or niche files distinct.
Also, if you prefer not to store certain assets in the media library, you can bypass this by inserting an asset directly into your email. Simply drag and drop the asset into the image content block within your email to use it without adding it to the library. This workflow is limited to email.
What integrations are supported in the media library
Workshop offers three integrations within our media library - Unsplash, Giphy & Canva.
Unsplash allows you access to the entire Unsplash stock image library directly within Workshop. If you don't have an image for your email, this is a perfect alternative!
Giphy allows you access to the entire Giphy gifs library directly within Workshop. At any time, you can upload your own gif but this provides a streamline process for finding that perfect gif!
Canva allows you to sync your Canva account to your Workshop account, allowing you direct access to any of your Canva designs directly in Workshop. For more information about this integration & how to setup, please refer to: How to connect to your Canva account