You can use CSV imports to manually add / update contacts within your Workshop directory and even create lists from your CSVs! Let's walk through how you do so within the Workshop application.
- Must have Admin or Full Access permissions to import a CSV into Workshop
- Your file must be a CSV file therefore have an extension of .csv
- Your file must not contain duplicate emails or phone numbers
- Each contact within your file must have a valid email and/or phone number
Where can I import my CSV file of new/updated contacts
Navigate to "People" within your top navigation bar and select "Directory" from the dropdown
Click "Import" on the top right-hand side of the page
Drag & drop the CSV file you wish to upload and then click 'Next step'
Please refer to this article for help formatting your CSV file
After you select your CSV file and click 'Next step', Workshop will review your file to make sure it matches our formatting & file requirements. Those requirements are:
- If you are an Email channel customer:
- Workshop does not support duplicate email addresses
- Email address must be provided for each contact
- If you are a Text channel customer, Workshop does not support duplicate email addresses
- Workshop does not support duplicate phone numbers
- Phone number must be provided for each contact
- Your file must be a CSV file format
If your file is not valid, Workshop will present error messaging to you within Step 1 to have you address the errors before proceeding with the file upload. Error messages can be:
Unable to read file
- We were unable to read the file you uploaded. Workshop only supports CSV files. Please verify your file has a '.csv' extension and try uploading again
Required column missing
- Your file is missing a required column. To import to Workshop each person in your file must include an email or phone_number column
- The requirements depend on what type of communication channels you use in Workshop
- Your file is missing a required column. To import to Workshop each person in your file must include an email or phone_number column
Required value missing
- [X] rows are missing a required value. To import to Workshop, each person in your file must include either a valid email or phone number.
We found [x] duplicate (email / phone_number) values in your CSV file
- Files cannot contain duplicate values. Please resolve the duplicate entries and try uploading again!
We found multiple (phone_number / email / first_name / last_name) columns in your CSV file
- Your file contains multiple columns with (phone_number / email / first_name / last_name) values. To import Workshop, please ensure that each file contains only one column with phone_number values.
New email and phone number mismatch detected
- We found [X] row(s) where the email is new to our system, but the phone number already belongs to a different recipient. To import to Workshop, please ensure that new emails are not associated with existing phone numbers, or vice versa.
Existing email and phone number mismatch detected
- We found [X] row(s) where the email already belongs to a recipient in our system, and the phone number already belongs to a different recipient. To import to Workshop, please ensure that existing emails are not associated with another existing recipient's phone number, or vice versa.
Invalid phone number identified
- Your file contains [X] rows with invalid phone numbers. To import to Workshop, please verify each row contains a valid phone number
- Phone numbers must contain ten digits, cannot contain an extension, and invalid country code (Workshop only supports phone numbers within the US & Canada)
- Your file contains [X] rows with invalid phone numbers. To import to Workshop, please verify each row contains a valid phone number
Invalid email identified
- Your file contains one or more missing/invalid emails. To import to Workshop, please verify each row contains a valid email.
- Email addresses must contain an @ and a valid domain name extension i.e .net, .com, .org, etc
- Your file contains one or more missing/invalid emails. To import to Workshop, please verify each row contains a valid email.
If you uploaded a valid file, Workshop will navigate you to the second step within the CSV import process where you can review your file's fields and ensure the file you wish to upload is the one you selected:
On the third step of the CSV import, you will be able to review the changes that will be made to your directory, as well as create/update a list with the information from the CSV you uploaded. You can customize your imported information here on this page from which
- Choose to not import new people from the CSV into your directory
- Check the 'Don't import' checkbox
- Choose to not update existing people within your directory with this new CSV file's data
- Check the 'Don't import' checkbox
- Choose to add new fields from the CSV into your directory
- Check the 'Don't import' checkbox
- Deselect which fields you want to import from the CSV
- Choose to not update existing fields within your directory with this new CSV file's data
- Check the 'Don't import' checkbox
- Deselect which fields you want to import from the CSV
From this page, you can also choose to create or update a list with the data from the CSV. If you wish to create a list from the users in the CSV, select the "Yes, create a list option" and name the list
If you wish to update a list, select "Or, add to an existing list" and search for the list you want to update
To note - you are unable to update automatic lists or lists that are automatically sync'd from your data source i.e HRIS, Active Directory, Okta, etc. These lists will be disabled in the dropdown.
Once you have made your selections, click "Finish Import", and your CSV will begin importing
To note, if you are importing a large list it may take a while. You will receive an email once the process is completed!
What occurs if a new contact is added to my directory without a first or last name?
If your CSV file contains a contact that is not already within your directory and you did not provide a first/last name within the CSV file, Workshop will create a new contact and the first & last name will default to a '_'.
Note - These default values can impact your merge tags when used within an email. For instance, if one of these contacts without a first or last name is a recipient on an email that contains a merge tag for first name then they will see '_' within that merge tag field.