A blackout date is a specific day or period of days in which your organization does not want email communications to be sent out of Workshop.
Who can create & manage blackout dates?
Only your Admin users in Workshop can create, edit, delete blackout dates.
Do all Workshop plans support blackout dates?
Only Premium plans include the ability to create blackout dates. If you are interested in such functionality, please reach out to your Account Manager.
Where can you create a blackout date within Workshop?
You can create a blackout date from your Workshop communications calendar.
Is a blackout date for a full day or a certain time period?
A blackout will apply to the full day in which it is created upon.
Can certain users still send out communications on a blackout date?
No. If a blackout date is set for a day or days then no communication can be scheduled or sent during that blackout period. To send communication, the blackout date would have to be removed.